Training on Project Proposal & Report Writing Skills




8th to 12th Jan 2024


5th to 9th Feb 2024


4th to 8th March 2024


1st to 5th April 2024


6th to 10th May 2024


3rd to 7th June 2024


1st to 5th July 2024


5th to 9th Aug 2024


2nd to 6th Sept 2024


7th to 11th Oct' 2024


4th-8th Nov' 2024


2nd to 6th Dec 2024


Training on project proposal and report writing is an essential idea in the project management area. This's because without the abilities the project managers can't be in a place to request for grants by the funders/donors of a project. It's so supreme for the project supervisors and other stakeholders to train on report writing skills to be better positioned when managing projects. A donor will be attracted by a practical proposal which addresses a genuine need. Personnel is adequately furnished with an understanding of the proposal development process that  are required by organizations. This's a participative and practical training which will offer businesses with employees based on skills and knowledge for developing useful project proposals.

Program Objectives:

Organizing ideas and facts effectively

• Conveying a persuasive and clear message

• Strengthen support for choices in proposals and reports to get results

• Construct well-planned sentences and paragraphs bringing about the logical exposition of thought

• Intuitively craft business accounts with good structure

• Handling different reports like as: informative, problem-solving, evaluative, persuasive, task & feasibility reports

• Formulate a logical file into a certain action request according to a genuine concern


Who can attend?

Training on project and report writing skills targets programme officers, supervisors, and other humanitarian and development organizations staff whose roles involve creating reports and proposals for the organization of theirs. This can assist them to gain skills on how you can compose appropriate proposals and projects.

  1. Program content

  2. Introduction
  3. Resource mobilization principles and practices.
  4. Current funding environment for non-profit organizations.
  5. Relevance of strong proposals and quality reports in a competitive scenario.
  6. Proposal elements, proposal formats, and proposal summary.
  7. Project concept development, formulation of the project objectives and a preliminary work plan.
  8. Needs assessment, project design frameworks, problem statement, problem justification, project goals and objectives setting, project output and outcomes, project strategy and approaches, and Project implementation planning.
  9. Monitoring and evaluation framework and plan, organizational frameworks.
  10. Developing a Gantt chart and a PERT diagram, establishing a complementary partnership, discussion on impact and exploitation issues.
  11. Quality reporting in a competitive business environment.
  12. Suitable reporting for different audiences.
  13. Key elements of technical reporting.
  14. Monthly progress reports, activity reports, routine reports, field trip reports, meetings reports.
  15. Elements of a good budget.
  16. Clear writing skills for proposals and reports
  17. Eliminating common language mistakes
  18. Reducing unnecessary story details and unnecessary documentation
  19. Proposal objectives, types, formats and styles
  20. Understanding what motivates people to read
  21. Preparing and outlining a proposal
  22. Preparing effective proposal reports
  23. Organizing your ideas and generating the outline in an effective format
  24. Linking the report to the reader’s needs
  25. Making predictions and recommendations
  26. Finalizing the proposal with the Budget Development discussing final issues

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