Training on Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills

Developing confidence with inter-related skills of communication, negotiation and presentation is the key to success both for individuals building their careers and for the organizations in which they work.

The art of communications, negotiations and presentations will:

  • Compliment hard skills which are vital occupational requirements
  • Be highly sought out by employers
  • Support personal effectiveness and success of individuals
  • Develop competence and capability to help strengthen personal profile and image

Drawing on classical learning, psycho-linguistic research and ideas associated with NLP and Emotional Intelligence, this highly-interactive and hands-on training course helps participants explore and practice the principles and techniques they need to be effective communicators, negotiators and presenters. Most importantly, it focuses on helping them apply these skills in the workplace as part of a process of continuous learning.

Course Objectives

  • Develop communications on a one-to-one basis and in group situations such as meetings, negotiations and presentations
  • Build rapport and strengthen their interpersonal relationships and as a result develop their influencing skills
  • Work towards mutually satisfactory agreements through professional negotiations leading - where possible - to win / win solutions
  • Deliver professional presentations to small and large groups with clarity, persuasiveness and confidence

Who Can Attend?

This mastering communication, negotiation and presentation skills training course is essential for all managers, professionals and anyone whose job involves communicating with, and influencing, other people.


Day 1 : Strengthen Communication Capability

  • Develop the concept of communications to strengthen your communication strategy
  • Determine your communication style and learn how to adapt this to a variety of situations
  • Understand the concept of NLP and Emotional Intelligence when it comes to communicating with others
  • Learn how to bring around change in others or a change to a situation by developing assertive communications
  • Understand how strong communication capability can aid in minimizing hostility and conflict

Day 2 : The Art of Negotiation

  • Understand the definition of Negotiation and the Golden Rules – it’s not a battle!
  • Determine the Key Skills of a Negotiator and how they are vital to the Negotiation
  • Identify how to prepare for a Negotiation by considering your W.E.B, your BATNA and your IVC’s
  • Understand the steps to Negotiation Success – it’s about having a structure
  • Describe a variety of Buying Skills enabling you to close the deal
  • Learn how to deal with difficult negotiators
  • Negotiation Skills Practice – experience a Negotiation

Day 3 : Presentation Skills – Technical Capability

  • Presentation preparation, practice and feedback – Part 1
  • The characteristics of effective presentations and presenters
  • Demonstrate confidence by managing nerves rather than nerves managing you
  • The 5P’s to professional presentations
  • Master the Super Start, Marvellous Middle and Fantastic Finish – the 20/60/20 rule
  • Creating notes and using cue cards
  • Developing industry standard visual aids – the Golden Rules

Day 4 : Presentation Skills – Performance Capability

  • Learn how to create impact through Passion, Power and Presence
  • Learn how your performance supports your technical capability
  • Discover the world of your Word, your Music and your Dance and how this is vital to your performance when delivering presentations
  • Managing the audience members and Q & A etiquette
  • Understand the variety of room layouts to maximise the presentation experience
  • Presentation preparation, practice and feedback – Part 2

Day 5 : Team Presentations and Presenting Proposals

  • Learn how to deliver team presentations
  • The advantages and disadvantages of team presentations
  • Discover how to present a proposal through a presentation
  • Presentation preparation – make a proposal through a team presentation
  • Receive feedback on your proposal and how the presentation was delivered
  • Programme review and action planning




22nd to 26th Jan 2024


19th to 23rd Feb 2024


25th to 29th March 2024


22nd to 26th April 2024


20th to 24th May 2024


24th to 28th June 2024


 22nd to 26th July 2024


26th to 30th Aug 2024


23rd to 27th Sept 2024


21st to 25th Oct' 2024


25th-29th Nov' 2024


16 to 20th Dec 2024


Multiple Training Categories

We offer broad training categories  suitable for your needs depending on your profession.

Wish to get more details about this training?


[email protected]

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