Training on Strategic Planning in the Public Sector




22nd to 26th Jan 2024


19th to 23rd Feb 2024


25th to 29th March 2024


22nd to 26th April 2024


20th to 24th May 2024


24th to 28th June 2024


 22nd to 26th July 2024


26th to 30th Aug 2024


23rd to 27th Sept 2024


21st to 25th Oct' 2024


25th-29th Nov' 2024


16 to 20th Dec 2024


Strategic planning in the public sector is both a difficult and intriguing topic. In the sector, there is an increasing emphasis on project results, value for money, and financial efficiency, as well as the shifting interaction between public and private organizations. Today, public sector organizations are increasingly expected to plan for the future strategically, utilizing tools and practices pioneered in the private sector.

The main topics of creating strategic objectives, planning programs and initiatives, and future preparation will be covered in this highly interactive training session. In order to achieve and maintain high-level performance in economic, social, and business growth, we will also examine in depth how we evaluate the results of public sector strategic decisions and provide guidance on how to build and integrate strategic and operational activities.

We want for this training session, which will emphasize measuring economic and business effect, to help all public sector employees focus more intently on the caliber of operational outputs and strategic results. Participants will have a clear road map on which to securely establish the organization's future.

 Programme Objectives

  • Achieve targets and performance standards during periods of change
  • Apply the most effective approaches to strategy formulation
  • Build strong public-private relationships in development activities
  • Combine and leverage analytical and creative thinking
  • Develop skills in project specification and scheduling
  • Gain commitment of their teams to the process of strategic development
  • Know how to apply the main analytical tools and techniques
  • Understand the meaning and impact of strategic thinking

Who Should Attend?

  • Programme Managers in Economic Development
  • Urban Spatial Planners
  • Major Project Managers
  • Financial Planning and Forecasting Specialists
  • Scientific and Technological Policymakers
  • Internal Auditors and Management Accountants


Day 1 : Definition of Strategy in The Public Sector

  • What is strategy and why is it important?
  • The alternative approaches to strategic thinking
  • The question of complexity, resources and choices
  • The unique aspects of strategy in the public sector
  • Financial and non-financial dimensions of public sector strategy
  • How to build an effective strategic planning team
  • Case example or case study

Day 2 : Strategic Analysis in a Public Sector Context

  • Learning from best practice in the private and public sectors
  • Introducing a strategic mindset into public sector activities
  • Managing internal and external relationships in strategy development
  • Risk analysis – what are the right risks to take?
  • Risk management – how can we minimise the risks that we face?
  • Securing the cohesion of strategic programmes and projects
  • Case example or case study

Day 3 : Specifics of Strategy Formulation in the Public Sector

  • Setting priorities in public sector strategy – economic development
  • Setting priorities in public sector strategy – social development
  • Setting priorities in public sector strategy – science and technology development
  • Leveraging the unique capabilities and resources of the public sector
  • Identifying and managing the expectations of different stakeholders
  • Strategic collaboration between the public and private sectors
  • Case example or case study

Day 4 : Ensuring Sustainability of Strategic Initiatives

  • Sustainability in public sector planning and how it is measured
  • Designing and controlling public sector strategic programmes
  • The practice of continuous renewal and development
  • The concept of creative destruction and its strategic significance
  • Dealing with “value migration” and its impact on public sector strategy
  • Accountability and corporate governance in public sector strategy
  • Case example or case study

Day 5 : Producing a Strategic Plan that Gets Implemented

  • Why most strategic plans have very little value
  • A framework for an effective public sector strategic plan
  • Aligning strategic and operational activities in public sector planning
  • Setting realistic and ambitious goals and performance measures
  • Linking planning, implementation and review
  • Anticipating and reacting to expected and unexpected developments
  • Overview of course and delegates’ plans for follow-up actions
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