Training on Digital Transformation of Public Offices and Government Relations

This Digital Transformation of Public Affairs and Government Relations training program will instruct individuals on developing and executing digital public affairs plans that maximize efficiency as well as effectiveness, ultimately adding value to the organization. The acquisition will equip them with the necessary tools, aptitudes, and abilities to transform their government and public affairs departments and teams through digital channels. Given the increasing prevalence of AI and data science in public policy and government, their applications should be carefully evaluated and applied with caution, with the expectation that these innovations will result in more efficient and effective policy-making.

This  Digital Transformation of Public Affairs and Government Relations training course will highlight:

  • How to manage digital transformation projects in public affairs
  • Digital skills for public affairs
  • Implementing frameworks and step plans
  • Digital technologies for public affairs - machine learning, blockchain, data clouds
  • Information architecture and data analytics for public affairs


At the end of this Digital Transformation of Public Affairs and Government Relations training course, you will learn to:

  • Identify how digitization of public affairs can increase its value to the wider organization
  • Identify, describe the Public Affairs use cases for digitization
  • Distinguish between the different technical, software and engineering roles, in order to manage and implement digitization programmes
  • How to make better use of data, analytics and visualization for Government Relations
  • Benchmark your transformation against other industrial players and measure the success indicators of your improved performance

Who Can Attend?

  • Leaders and Managers of Public Affairs and Government Relationship teams
  • Ministerial & Ministerial Committee Levels
  • Executive Management and Directors
  • Government Relations Officers
  • Public Affairs Officers / Professionals
  • Public Relations Officers / Professionals
  • Policy Makers / Officers / Analysts / Professionals

Course Outline

Module 1: Digitalisation Frameworks

  • Overview
  • Framework for digital transformation of public affairs
  • The benefits of digitally transforming public affairs
  • Lenses of digital transformation
  • The public affairs digital transformation step plan

Workshop - Session 1: Build a digital tool to analyse a political process

  • Introduction of the scenario
  • Defining the use case
  • Defining the requirements

Module 2: Data Management

  • Governments and open source data
  • Development of digital portals and platforms
  • Business intelligence and data analytics for public affairs management
  • A managerial view of data analytics for digital transformation
  • Data / information architecture
  • Data visualization for public affairs

Workshop - Session 2: Build a digital tool to analyze a political process

  • Identifying the data
  • Collecting the data

Module 3: Digital Technologies

  • How can machine learning assist public affairs management?
  • Blockchain and public affairs
  • The cloud and its intersections with public affairs management
  • Practical technology tools for public affairs managers
  • Identify relevant digital trends within toModule’s society
  • A data management platform for public affairs

Workshop - Session 3: Build a digital tool to analyse a political process

  • Applying machine learning to the tool

Module 4: Implementation

  • Distinguish between digital roles and activities
  • Build digital skills for your public affairs team
  • Manage digital transformation projects in public affairs
  • Reporting digital transformation programmes to senior management
  • Privacy and security

Workshop - session 4: Build a digital tool to analyse a political process

  • Building the UI / UX

Module 5: Workshop - Session 5: Build a Digital Tool to Analyse a Political Process

  • Connecting the back end to the front end
  • Testing
  • Implementation
  • Reviewing customer feedback
  • Q&A




22nd to 26th Jan 2024


19th to 23rd Feb 2024


25th to 29th March 2024


22nd to 26th April 2024


20th to 24th May 2024


24th to 28th June 2024


 22nd to 26th July 2024


26th to 30th Aug 2024


23rd to 27th Sept 2024


21st to 25th Oct' 2024


25th-29th Nov' 2024


16 to 20th Dec 2024


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